First up we have this jacket top I saw from another blog and thought it was wicked. Thanks to my friend I didn't notice that it is the jacket from a video game called Wet! The girl in that game kicked some serious ass!
Next up we have the sexy ruffle mini skirt from Piccara, I love how the red matches. Next up we have this awesome Mask from A&Y it was at the VooDoo event but I never got around to finding a good look for it, until now hehe.
Lastly again we have some great items from REMARKABLE ♦ OBLIVION, first we have this oh so amazing spiked head band, and comes in 3 colors. Next we have the Katana sword, it comes in 2 versions. Scripted and unscripted and you can change the color of many of the pieces. Ty doll ox.
Enjoy and Shop On!!!!
Skin - !Rehab - Shelbie - Dark - Five
Eye shadow - ::Pink Acid:: - Dark Angel Eye shadow - red
Eyes - .ID. - Tortured Eyes - Red
Hair - >Truth< - Cheyenne - fades - lava New!!!
Jacket - <TheAbyss> - F_Cropped_Bomber_jacket_black New!!!
Skirt - piccara - Mini Skirt - Red
Gloves - [Glue Ink] - Ree Gloves - (floral)
Mask - A&Y - Lumen Cyber Mask
Belt - Fet!sh - Grenadier Belt - black New!!!
Boots - Maitreya - Jazz Boots - black
Stockings - .:BTS:. - Pop Rock-Cotton Candy outfit
Rings - RO - Dulity - black
Crown - RO - Crown of Thorns - Red New!!!
Sword - RO - Osafune - unscripted
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