Friday, March 23, 2012

Newness @ PinkAcid

Helllllooooo everyone! Some sexy new stuff coming out from PinkAcid soon or is already out. Some sexy lipsticks with option of teeth or no teeth. And some SUPER SMEXY Leopard dress that comes in 3 colors, classic, blue and purple. This dress is bomb to, skin tight and with super low cuts in the front and the back. It's like Damn then turn around and DAAAAMMMMMNNN!!!!!! Hahahahaha I hope everyone had a good friday enjoy your weekend and stuff.

Enjoy and Shop On!!!!

Skin - Al Vulo - [ Chantal ] - [Pure Bronze]

Rings - >>SEXY<< - Butterfly rings - Pink

Earrings - [EY;NO] -  Color Beads Earrings (silver) New!!!

Hair - [e] - Abby - black 04 MESH New!!!

Eyes - REPULSE - Rigor Mortis Eyes (Dilated)

Tattoo - S (and) P  - Simply Love Tattoo

Leg Tattoo - [Glue Ink] - Bow tattoos - clear

Make Up - ::Pink Acid:: - Silk Lipstick - Purple New!!!

Dress - ::Pink Acid:: - Summer Skin Leopard Dress (purple) New!!!

Heels - Mstyle - DIDI Pumps - Thuilan

Corset - ::TGIS:: - Corset Piercing - Purples - Light Fresh

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