Thursday, January 16, 2014

Cute azz & Azz Show!!

Hello my little shopping addicts. Well everyone knows that there is a new azz out call the Cute Azz and well I bought one. It is perfect for us "funsized" girls to have some what of an ass. I do love it very much it helps so you dont have a square ass or blockie knees. Also it helps if you get the appliers for the right skin tone or else you will have a seam line. So the azz show opened up and I have been trying my hardest to avoid that place cause I know I will bonkers because well any phat azz applier will work on a cute azz. Crazy right?! I did how ever go to the show because I saw this amazing tattoo from elska. I also found some sexy lingerie from RMA. Love me some purple stuff you know me :)

Skin - Glam Affair - Neva Skin - America - 05

Eyes - {D.A.} - Sinistre eyes - Violet

Tattoo - elska - Madame Butterfly  @ The Azz Show!!!

Eyeliner - .Pekka. - Metallic underliner - purple

Hair - Truth - Melita

Hands - Slink  - Elegant

Feet - N-core - Tip Toe BAREFEET

Necklace - Glam Affair - Chained Necklace - Pearl Grey/Silver @ Collabor88!!!

Bra & Panties - *RMA - Barbara - purple The Azz Show!!!

Azz - ** - Cute Azz New!!!!!

Piercing - UtopiaH - Snake Bites - silver

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